About Perfecting Poppy

Hi, thanks for visiting.  I'm Poppy.  Join me in my quest for Perfection.  I should mention that I'm a big mess right now, so this should be interesting.  Following is my premise:

How to Get It Right In Every Dept of Life. 
How to get it right?  I have no idea!  My title should read "Getting it Wrong in every department of life."  

I'm not thriving; I'm surviving.  And that's not good enough.

I'm a real woman, imperfections galore, with no idea what she's doing.  My goal is to get shit done, and done well, once and for all.  For example?  I had to lay down to take the photo above so all of my face fat would fall backwards --- I'd like to be able to take one straight on.  Let's put this in the "improve health" folder.
Once I topped 40 (Okay, 45), I realized that I cannot live like a teenager anymore.  It's time to be an adult. (Am I too late? Too old?  Nah, it's never too late)  

The problem I'm finding is that, in life, there is so much to be on top of!  I feel fragmented.  I made a list of topics we are expected to master.  Browse it now (below).

Okay, it's completely ridiculous, right?  And I'm sure I've missed many topics that I'll add later.  When I look at the list below, I get so overwhelmed.  How can I possibly be superior at all of this?  Are Martha and Oprah really this put together?  Really?  They can't possibly; we know they have "help."  Although, it's possible Martha did write a lot of hand-written notes from jail, and those are always a nice touch.

So if you're like me, and you know what you "should do," but have lacked the implementation, then let's stumble through it together.  Perhaps we'll find our solutions, or realize that life is just messy ... and perfection is just a dream. 
THE LIST | Aiming to Master the Following Areas of Home / Life:
Home Office - organize the important as well as the unimportant - creating the space
Endless Clutter - home dumping station
Relaxing Bedroom - decor and ways to make it sleep ready, and stop from tossing clothes everywhere
Health - tracking family medical records / appointments
Pets - Playing, boarding, health
Home Repair (estimates, receipts, schedules, maintenance, etc)
Linen closet
Wardrobe (fashion)
Wardrobe (organization)
Kitchen/Pantry design and organization
Raising a boy as a single mother
Beauty treatments
Commuting to your office
Work/Life Balance
Nutrition - diets / food
Auto maintenance
Extended family - keeping in touch
Technology - devices, cords and their parts everywhere!
Birthdays / Anniversaries, etc - keeping track, what to do for each
Social Networking - what's the right amount of time spent on these - who do I focus on?
Family Time - how to carve the time and what to do - Recreation
Home Finances - keeping track both electronically and all the paper
School or Community participation - Volunteer work or just keeping up with all of the planned events!  
Cleaning Out - Isn't it time to toss my old wedding planning items? When is it okay to toss old cards, etc? What to do with them?
Family scrap-booking or cataloging of events - Crafting Station
Emergencies - when life throws you a curve-ball
Aging Parents
Looking back at previous projects - how are they holding up?  Has the mess returned?
Home Decor - on the cheap but looking good... so daunting. 
Changing needs of the household - what worked before may need tweaking
More Stuff! - expanding storage - re-organizing - purging old - or is it time for more square footage?!
Bathroom - keeping it all organized - tossing old items
Guests visiting!  Linens/accommodations, meals, cleaning, entertainment, etc...
Yard - Landscaping
Gifts - holidays and all other occasions - what to get - when to get - how to wrap - Wrapping Station
Trash - How to toss stuff - (Dump, Recycle, Donate, Burn, Paint cans)
Laundry Area - (keeping it all in tact, how to keep up with laundry)
Outside In -- how to create a spot for dumping muddy/snowy boots, umbrellas, hats, etc when you don't have a mud room
Redesigning your home layout to make it work for you (get creative : do you "need" two living rooms or could one become a family office, etc? Think outside the box)
Children's stuff -- where to put it, how to keep it orderly, and creating a safe play zone when you didn't buy the house with that in mind
Living Room redesign
Kitchen redesign
And there's more, I promise!  See?  It's bananas!  B-A-N-A-N-A-S! (you go, Gwen Stefani).

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